Brandon Rich

Brandon Rich Mashed Features, MD The University of Maryland, B.A. in Business Management Home Cooking, Gardening, Restaurants Brandon is a feature writer for Mashed. Formerly, he has covered international travel for media outlets like Skyscanner. Additionally, Brandon has written about food for hyper-local blogs River Beats NOLA and Wide Open Eats. Brandon has worked at both growing and serving food for over two decades. Brandon's experience in food began on a commercial farm at age eleven and carried into the management of a farm-to-table grocery startup ten years later. His former experience as a garden grunt, online grocer, and eventual restaurant server helped developed his expertise as a poly-culture organic farmer and writer. His work has taken him to restaurants and farms from Annapolis to New Orleans to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Brandon's less than formal education includes a bachelor's degree in Business Management from the University of Maryland. However, his education in the food industry was self-taught and mentored by varying chefs and restauranteurs across the U.S.

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